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FREE online sessions to learn about the cutting edge engineering behind PERRINN 424

Learn motorsport engineering with Nico Perrin, designer of the 424 electric hypercar.

The 424 School is here to help engineering students and professional engineers learn how 424 has been designed and optimised to become the fastest electric hypercar in the world. Modules are delivered by Nico (career details here).

The School provides valuable knowledge for anyone who wants to get to the next level in their engineering career.

Modules are delivered as online sessions. We aim to provide a continuous learning experience through the year. Dates and times will be proposed and adjusted to fit everyone's agenda.

If you are interested in joining the School, it is simple and FREE, make sure you join the PERRINN WhatsApp community and the dedicated group. It is free for anyone to attend our sessions.

Modules available

Each module is delivered as a 2 hours online session. The session is interactive and organised this way:

Simulation and modelling

424 dynamic simulation, systems modelling, telemetry analysis, simulation rigs


CFD testing of 424, unit test results, postpro analysis, aerodynamic maps and sensitivities

Vehicle dynamics

Car balance, setup optimisation, 424 telemetry analysis, driver performance analysis


424 design in Onshape, part studio and assemblies, modelling strategy and API tools

Laptime optimisation

Offline and DIL simlulation, aerodynamic polar, drag level for different tracks, power curve effect

Tires, suspension and brakes

Suspension kinematic and compliances, design, tire model, 424 braking system

Chassis and powertrain

Composite materials, stress analysis, 424 ligthweighting strategy, safety tests, battery to wheel power chain, 424 battery design, inverter and MGU performance, single speed transmission

This first series of modules has come to an end. Every live session has been recorded and all the videos are available on PERRINN 424 Youtube Channel.